Potential ancestor to tensho?
Further to my article “ The origins of tensho ” I came across this video recently. It shows Lee Kong Sifu demonstrating a white crane form of an unknown name. The form is the closest I’ve ever seen to the goju kata tensho. The form is from Fujian white crane. What is most fascinating to me is that, like tensho, it proceeds with forward steps in sanchin/sanzhan, where the “up, down, side, side” action (which some call “rokkishu” or “fishtail exercise” ) is repeated - first with one hand, then with the other, then with both simultaneously . This is the only time I have ever seen this exact sequence in a Chinese system. (You'll note from my previous article that the form bafen only performs the sequence with both hands simultaneously - never the hands individually.) The form then goes on to various finger thrusts that might be counterparts to similar thrusts at the end of tensho, some more palm/hand movements (which have no parallel in tensho), a double handed movem