Taiji qin na: more about countering kote gaeshi (and related locks)

Introduction Five years ago I did a piece on countering kote gaeshi - the wrist out turn. In the intervening time I've learned a lot more about thwarting or converting this lock, so I thought I'd share this with my readers. Some of the techniques have already appeared in my recent series on taijiquan qin na , but I thought I'd do a kind of summary of the additional defences against this simple, but potentially devastating, small joint attack - all in the context of my last taiji qin na essay. The "cloud hands lock" In my first kote gaeshi article , two of the options involved falling out of the lock. I don't propose to go over that ground again but I encourage readers to revisit that piece if they are interested. The third option involved a counter-lock that I have recently identified as an application of the move "cloud hands" in taijiquan. Back in 2010 I had also identified it as an application from baguazhang. Essentially you can...